We got to Toronto last night and got settled into our room.. Grabbed something to eat, and drink. and then we started to play games with Hunter to keep him busy..
He didn't fall asleep unitl about 11:20 pm.. he was watching a movie-- so I put it in the playpen and then he fell asleep in about 10 minutes..
The sleep was ok.. but what can I expect my nerves are getting the better of me.
So at 6am Gerry went over to the hospital ( across the street ) to check in ( we did not wake Hunter... we already had a feeling that he was second case..) so he gets there and yes Hunter is second... But the want him there now.... mmmmmmmm...NO.. why not let him sleep unitl 9 or so then bring him in...
The nurses don't care... it is all procedure which is not implimented to be benificial to the kiddos...
So we took him over for 7 am... they listened to his heart and took the blood pressure... then said ok.... NOW WAIT!!!!! so my whole point was validated... He did not need to be there so early, they could have left him sleeping.... Now mama and dada are iritated..-- But what can you do.
So now at 7 am until around 1 approx 5 hours.. of keeping Hunter occupied and happy. ( remember he can't eat or drink..) FUN!!! just more stressed added to the day that already has my head spinning..
So it is about 10:20 now.. still trying to keep Hunter happy.... So far so good. Thank goodness for DVD players and movies and leapsters...
I will try to keep everyone updated today what happens but the computer lab closes at 4.. I don't know if I will know anything by then.... so please keep calm... hopefully no news is good news..
On a lighter note. My staples are out ( as of yesterday and BOY!!! they feel all better.) But I can't go in the pool because of one of the staples pulled and ripped the skin.... Not like I would have time.... BUT... oh well...
I have to let all you CHWO( london and area ) cardiac patients know .... ( I just found out ) they no longer have there program for rembursement... WHAT ????? I know know onw told me... I thought that the hotel would be covered and the parking.... BUt let me tell you!!! the program is NO LONGER.... so start saving for when you have to bring your kiddos down to Toronto for surgery... you no longer get ANY help... ( I would have like to knoe this a few weeks ago.. not the day of!!!! not great for nerves already shot!!--- But once again what can I do.... NOTHING..
I am doing ok right this minute... my snapping point is going to be wehn they take my baby..
I am crying just thinking about it.....
So the plan is around 1 pm he should be going in....
please everybody keep sending your prayeres and well wishes, good vibes Hunter needs then all right now.....
( update hopefully to follow soon..... )
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
starting to pack..
I have started a small pile of items for Hunter when he is in the hospital. Some treats or rewards for my baby... I got the idea from E.. I remember she had a special box for Sammy when he was in the hospital.. It seemed to work. ALthough I am trying to come up with some things to put in it.... I have some big stuff..... A few new movies... some new cars... ( Tracey got Hunter a new book and movie of Thomas and two new engines..) Hunter is going to love them...
If any one has any ideas I am open.. I am thinking it will have to be none messy.. because of the stitches...and the open heart heart surgery....
A special thanks to Andrea and her Family for the gift certifs.... they are much appreciated...
I have been gathering items around the house.. you know health card, camera, clothes,snacks.....
too much to do....
That is where I stand today... I am off to a wedding soon... and then it is down to getting things done....
bye for now...
If any one has any ideas I am open.. I am thinking it will have to be none messy.. because of the stitches...and the open heart heart surgery....
A special thanks to Andrea and her Family for the gift certifs.... they are much appreciated...
I have been gathering items around the house.. you know health card, camera, clothes,snacks.....
too much to do....
That is where I stand today... I am off to a wedding soon... and then it is down to getting things done....
bye for now...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Week Away!!
First... Happy Fathers Day, to all those amazing dads.
Well in a week, Hunter goes in for his fontan. I am getting excited to have it done and not having it hanging over our heads. And on the other hand, I am getting anxious about what they have to do.
Hunter is almost at the 29 pound mark. ( just under )..... I am not certain that I will be in the best of moods this coming week. As I am thinking about what my poor son has to endure in the next few weeks. I have faith in the surgeon. I think he is an amazing man... I just fear the unknown.
Well yesterday I went and started to fill up Hunters bag for the hospital. This is a surprise bag.. He will get something to keep him entertained and calm....
so far there are 2 new movies ( Harry and his bucket full of dinasours!!) hunter loves him!!
a new stuffed animal...
( although not new....) I can't forget his leapster.... he loves playing the alphabet game!!! I mean for hours this keeps him entertained, although I don't know if this will work in a hospital environment...
I still have to get some crafts, and some other treats... But at least it is a work in progress...lol
I have almost recovered from my surgery..( scar revision from my breast reduction last year ). I am glad I did it before Hunter goes in... It kept my mind off of the fontan coming up.. maybe a few extra weeks of peace of my mind... Now I am starting to get anxious, scared.
I thank everyone for Keeping Hunter in their thoughts, prayers or whatever it is that you do. I appreciate it, and ask.. please continue to think of him and help him during surgery.
I will be updating this blog from the hospital after Hunter goes in... ( more than likely I will not be responding to e-mails-- NO TIME-- so please leave messages here, I will see them here first...
Well in a week, Hunter goes in for his fontan. I am getting excited to have it done and not having it hanging over our heads. And on the other hand, I am getting anxious about what they have to do.
Hunter is almost at the 29 pound mark. ( just under )..... I am not certain that I will be in the best of moods this coming week. As I am thinking about what my poor son has to endure in the next few weeks. I have faith in the surgeon. I think he is an amazing man... I just fear the unknown.
Well yesterday I went and started to fill up Hunters bag for the hospital. This is a surprise bag.. He will get something to keep him entertained and calm....
so far there are 2 new movies ( Harry and his bucket full of dinasours!!) hunter loves him!!
a new stuffed animal...
( although not new....) I can't forget his leapster.... he loves playing the alphabet game!!! I mean for hours this keeps him entertained, although I don't know if this will work in a hospital environment...
I still have to get some crafts, and some other treats... But at least it is a work in progress...lol
I have almost recovered from my surgery..( scar revision from my breast reduction last year ). I am glad I did it before Hunter goes in... It kept my mind off of the fontan coming up.. maybe a few extra weeks of peace of my mind... Now I am starting to get anxious, scared.
I thank everyone for Keeping Hunter in their thoughts, prayers or whatever it is that you do. I appreciate it, and ask.. please continue to think of him and help him during surgery.
I will be updating this blog from the hospital after Hunter goes in... ( more than likely I will not be responding to e-mails-- NO TIME-- so please leave messages here, I will see them here first...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Well , I am home from the hospital. ( I had surgery on Friday.) nothing to important. but thanks. I am still really groggy, and on lots of pain meds.... so please excuse my spelling.
Hunter is doing great, he has a bit of a runny nose today, but that could be allergies or just a runny nose. Hunter will soon be on house confinment before surgery.. I should be recovered in a few weeks, just in time for Hunter to go in...
Talk soon.
Hunter is doing great, he has a bit of a runny nose today, but that could be allergies or just a runny nose. Hunter will soon be on house confinment before surgery.. I should be recovered in a few weeks, just in time for Hunter to go in...
Talk soon.

Monday, June 1, 2009
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