Saturday, June 27, 2009

starting to pack..

I have started a small pile of items for Hunter when he is in the hospital. Some treats or rewards for my baby... I got the idea from E.. I remember she had a special box for Sammy when he was in the hospital.. It seemed to work. ALthough I am trying to come up with some things to put in it.... I have some big stuff..... A few new movies... some new cars... ( Tracey got Hunter a new book and movie of Thomas and two new engines..) Hunter is going to love them...
If any one has any ideas I am open.. I am thinking it will have to be none messy.. because of the stitches...and the open heart heart surgery....
A special thanks to Andrea and her Family for the gift certifs.... they are much appreciated...

I have been gathering items around the house.. you know health card, camera, clothes,snacks.....
too much to do....

That is where I stand today... I am off to a wedding soon... and then it is down to getting things done....
bye for now...

1 comment:

  1. If you go to Dollarama you can get the old school paint with water books! My kids love them and they aren't messy (if you hold the water). Same with the crayola magic paints/markers that only work on the Wonder Paper. We use those in the car because they are non-messy.
    Thinking of you guys ((hugs))
