Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sorry for the delay....--- post op day 1

So long story short... Hunter did not go in until 2:30pm.... yeah that was a lot of fun to keep him happy without drink or food.

I thank everyone fro the e-mails and direct comments, hunter has many friends.

So about the surgery........ He went in late and I meet with the long list people... blah...
his surgery was set for about 4 hours.

I saw his surgeon shortly after 3 hours, he came out to talk to me.... He was walking with a little hop in his step and a smile... So I took that as all good...

Hunter did well going on bybass, they completed the fontan with fenestration and now they were watchign him for a while then going to be taking him of bypass...

So the surgery went well... NO surprises...

They tried to extubate him right away, but unfortunatley he was doing his croupy cough ( like I warned them that he would do.) so they but the breathing tube back in -- actually a smaller one.)

At least the doctor that we had last night-- whom I think he is great Dr. swartz... he listened and gave 2 full doese of dex and we will try to extubate this morning and have another 2 full doses of dex... hopefull this works.. currently he is on the lowest setting for breathing... so at least that is good....

They had a really hard time bring up his blood pressure last night.. he had many tranfusions and lots of albumin ( blood product -- but no blood ) vassopressin, milrinone, morphine etc.. you know the normal heart cocktails of drugs.

I sat with him a lot last night ( Gerry was not with me) and Hunter looked good and puffy!!
his o2 sats were up to 97 during hte night, but have settled today arounf 89.. we shall see..

No pictures today.... but i have a few and they are really not that bad. he looked good...
But I was a little disappointed, i was really looking for those roses cheeks and pink lips, didn't see them last night.... maybe today.

I was up at t he hospital early early this morning to see my baby, he looked a bit better..
His BP was finally up to a good level, all his blood gases were comign back good... now we just need to get the tube out...

So that is were i am heading now.. so thanks for all the well wishes and prayers and good vibes and eveything else that was being sent to us... Please continue to keep Hunter in you thoughts and prayers


  1. SO happy to hear everything went well! I have been checking for your updates nonstop.
    Continued prayers for the Hunter man!

  2. Thinking of you guys and wishing you a good day! Jonathan is in for clinic on July 23rd. Hopefully you guys won't be there, but if you are, we'll pop in for a visit!

    You can also use the computers in Marnie's lounge for updates later in the day...

  3. Glad things went so well, and crossing my fingers that he's extubated successfully soon!

    If he's fenestrated, you might not see that pink until the fenestration's closed. Sammy's will be closed by cath probably in the next 6 months or so... I was disappointed, too. It sounds like his sats are doing wonderfully though - and that's great!

  4. Not to burst your bubble about the pinkness, but Dominic still looks no better in colour since the fontan. I think the fenestration closure will make a difference. Oh....that is what the person above me said. Glad you are past the fontan though!
